NSW public schools offer special religious education and special education in ethics, delivered by approved providers wherever available.
During enrolment, you can choose a special religious education option for your child from the school’s available approved providers. You can withdraw your child from special religious education by selecting alternative meaningful activities, or special education in ethics if it’s available.
You can update your preference by writing to the school or through the online form available at participating schools.
Visit the department’s website for more information about religion and ethics.
Religion and Ethics
At Sherwood Ridge Public School, Special Religious Education (SRE) and Special Education in Ethics (SEE) is delivered on Wednesdays from 12:30-1:00pm.
On enrolment parents/carers will be given the SRE and SEE participation letter to complete and return. After the initial enrolment, notification of changes to a child's enrolment in SRE/SEE (sometimes called Scripture) should be given to the administration office, in writing.
The following SRE classes are offered at Sherwood Ridge Public School:
· Combined Christian SRE
· Catholic SRE
· Hindu SRE
· Islamic SRE
· Sikh SRE
· Special Education in Ethics (SEE)
During the time that SRE/SEE classes are being held, students not attending will be located in a separate space and will participate in meaningful activities (activities could include mindfulness, reading, private study or completing homework).
More information visit https://education.nsw.gov.au/teaching-and-learning/curriculum/learning-across-the-curriculum/religion-and-ethics
Change of Scripture/Ethics Class
A parent/carer may, at any time, notify the school in writing that they wish to change their decision. Students will continue the same arrangement for SRE as the previous year, unless a parent/carer has requested a change in writing, or if due to the number of available volunteers, a group cannot proceed as per previous arrangements. In some instances, it may not be possible for the student to change groups immediately once a written request is received, however, accommodations to facilitate the change will take affect at the commencement of the following term.
Special Religious Education (SRE): Combined Christian SRE
Combined Christian SRE is provided by teachers who are authorised and trained by the following approved providers: Anglican Diocese of Sydney
The SRE curriculum used in this school is produced by Christian Education Publications and is approved by each SRE provider. The curriculum explores the good news about Jesus Christ found in the Bible and the depth of God’s love for people. Each lesson has been developed to be taught in an age-appropriate manner. Lessons include activities which make the lessons fun and inclusive for children and young people, and also give them the opportunity to critically explore and deepen their faith, pray, and reflect. Research has shown that SRE contributes to students’ wholistic education as it nurtures their spiritual wellbeing. For more information about the SRE curriculum used in this school visit https://whysre.com.au/
Special Religious Education (SRE): Catholic SRE
Catholic SRE is provided by Catholic Diocese of Sydney. Catholic SRE teachers (also known as Catechists) are authorised by the local parish and trained by the Diocese of the Catholic Church.
The Catholic SRE curriculum is approved by the Bishop of the Diocese in liaison with religious education experts. Lessons include activities that are fun and inclusive for students, whilst also providing them the opportunity to critically explore in depth their faith and to pray and reflect.
Catholic SRE teachers engage young people in hearing the Good News about Jesus Christ and learning the key elements of our Christian life and culture. More information about Catholic SRE, including the authorised curriculum scope and sequence, please visit the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney website https://www.sydneycatholic.org/
Special Religious Education (SRE): Hindu SRE
Hindu SRE is provided by Chinmaya Mission Australia. More information can be found at https://www.chinmaya.com.au/
Special Religious Education (SRE): Islamic SRE
Islamic SRE is provided by Islamic Special Religious Education. More information can be found at https://www.isre.org.au/ and the scope and sequence is available at https://www.isre.org.au/scope-k-6/
Special Religious Education (SRE): Sikh SRE
Sikh SRE is provided by Australian Sikh Association. More information can be found at https://www.asaltd.org.au/
Special Education in Ethics (SEE)
The Education Act 1990 states 'in every government school, time is to be allowed for the religious education of children of any religious persuasion' (i.e. SRE, Special Religious Education, commonly referred to as Scripture). In addition, SEE is offered as a secular option to students who opt out of SRE. It is not a replacement for Scripture.
About SEE
Helping children develop skills for life.
Ethics classes support children to develop a life-long capacity for making well-reasoned decisions about ethical issues. Through the give-and-take of reasoned argument students learn to disagree respectfully, to challenge ideas and to support their arguments with considered evidence rather than according to habit or peer pressure. Our volunteer ethics teachers use detailed age-relevant lesson materials, approved by NSW Education Dept, which present a range of stories, scenarios and questions to generate discussion. Ethics teachers are trained to impartially facilitate student discussions, helping students develop their critical thinking and collaborative inquiry skills. Ethics teachers support student learning by:
modelling the inquiry process – by asking questions and encouraging discussion
showing genuine curiosity and interest in the questions being discussed
staying neutral – ethics teachers are trained to keep their own views out of the discussion
creating a positive learning environment – by allowing students time to think, encouraging students to share ideas, give reasons and ensuring
Who deliver the ethics lessons?
SEE is a program in ethical decision making, action and reflection within a secular framework.
The SEE programs are taught by volunteers trained and supported Primary Ethics, an independent charity organisation, approved by the NSW Education Dept. Volunteers undergo a police background check, a working with children check and training by Primary Ethics.
Our classes at Sherwood Ridge Public School are held on:
· Wednesday 12:30 – 1:00 pm.
Primary Ethics are constantly in need of volunteers to deliver and sustain the ethics program for your local school whether it is to maintain existing classes or starting new classes. Comprehensive training, access to lesson materials and classroom support are all provided. Previous teaching experience is not required.
For around an hour a week, you can teach an ethics class at your local school and help children develop skills for life. We rely on parents, grandparents and community-minded people to become volunteer ethics teachers in their local primary school. It is a rewarding way to be involved in your local community, learn new things and help children develop skills for life.
An opportunity is also available for a critical supporting role as an Ethics Coordinator for those who could not commit to a weekly fixed time ethics class.
For more information about the program, please contact hills-region@primaryethics.com.au or visit www.primaryethics.com.au, the Primary Ethics Website.