Sherwood Ridge Public School is a school that focuses on creating a positive school culture through our values of Learning, Respect and Community.
This focus sets a challenge for both students and teachers to participate in quality, constructive and challenging teaching and learning activities where the aim is to build student capacity to engage in the classroom. Our school is a place of innovation and success, with educational programs that challenge students to develop higher order thinking and learning independence. Students are nurtured and encouraged to excel in a range of social, cultural and academic areas.
The implementation of Visible Learning across the school ensures students are learning, how to learn. Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning and actively identify their next steps in achieving individual learning goals. Students are equipped to develop an understanding of the world in which they live and truly engage as 21st Century Learners.
With outstanding teachers, our staff is committed to providing the best possible educational programs to support all students in believing that their differences, ideas, needs and beliefs are valued and respected. Holding high expectations of students not only encourages them to achieve their best at our school but will also support them to be independent, happy, healthy and resourceful lifelong learners.
Our priorities:
- Positive Action for Learning (PBL- A framework for focusing on establishing school environments that support effective practices)
- Innovative programs in Literacy and Numeracy
- Enrichment programs that meet the gifted and talented education strategies
- Integration of the use of technology into classroom learning
- Extra curricula opportunities
- Visible Learning program to equip students as lifelong learners
We look forward to educating your child and trust you will find the information you are seeking contained on the pages within.