Scholastic Book Club
Scholastic Book Club is the easiest and most affordable way to find and order the books KIDS LOVE!
Twice per term children will receive Book Club catalogues to bring home. Parents and children may choose which books they would like to purchase.
Why buy from Scholastic book club?
The books are:
* age appropriate;
* high quality; and
* well priced.
The brochures tell you the reading level information for every book.
Every book purchased, earns bonus reward points which the school uses to buy resources for the Learning Centre.
Payments can be made:
ONLINE: Place your order online by going to Ashton Scholastic Book Club
PHONE: Call toll free 1800 021233 (Hours are: Monday to Friday - 8:30am - 5:30pm)
BY MAIL: Send your order and cheques payable to Scholastic Australia: Book Club Scholastic Australia, PO Box 579 Gosford, NSW 2250
There is no obligation to buy Book Club books. It is just a service we provide as a school.